
Our thoughts on technology and design

UX Design
This article considers a recent change to the BBC Weather site as an example of how overuse of information visualisation techniques and inconsistent design decisions can undermine what is otherwise an excellent content-first experience.
About a month ago, I was using the MoTeC i2 Data Analysis software to look through some telemetry data that I had exported from a popular racing simulator game.
This post describes how to develop an Earthquake Monitor application based on live data from the USGS, using Silverlight, the MVVM Pattern, Visiblox and the Silverlight Bing Maps Interactive SDK.
This blog post describes the implementation of a gesture-based todo-list application. The simple interface is controlled entirely by drag, flick and swipe.
I've recently had the opportunity to investigate building web services using Java.
This blog post talks about developing an extended Drag and Drop TreeView control in C#.
In this post, I explore four of the available iOS charting libraries and investigate the features, API, and pros and cons of each.
In this article I show a simple example of integrating Bing and Google mapping into in WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Phone applications.
This blog post introduces the new jQuery Mobile Metro theme and demonstrates how to create a web UI that detects the device it is being viewed on, to render a Metro UI on WP7 and iOS on other devices
UX Design
Last week I attended the UX London 2012 conference. This was my first public foray into the world of User Experience and it proved to be both educational and thought-provoking.
This blog post presents a thorough analysis of the performance of various WPF Charting components. The results show that a new class of charting solutions, which use raster-based graphics as opposed to retained mode vector graphics, provide a considerable performance advantage
This is the second post in my series about databinding in Silverlight and WPF.
This series of posts (part 1) are attempting to do the impossible, to try and give desktop developers a brief introduction to developing on the web.
I have just published a new article over on CodeProject called "KnockoutJS vs. Silverlight".
OK, so the title is a little ambitious, but there is nothing wrong with setting yourself lofty aims! Because of the depth of this topic I have decided to split this tutorial up into a series of blog posts, each of which explore a different aspect of the binding framework.
Data Engineering
With non-relational database implementations (key-store, graph, etc.) entering the mainstream, the necessity has arisen to synchronise relational databases to their non-relational cousins.
This blog post describes my experiences of developing a simple Todo application with Google Web Toolkit (GWT), that I have contributed to the JavaScript TodoMVC project, which compares the implementation of the same application with various JavaScript frameworks.
A little while ago Colin showed me a tool for inspecting the visual tree of a Silverlight/WPF application.
I have just published a new article on codeproject, which describes the creation of a Silverlight custom control for plotting the relationships between a network of nodes.
This is a quick post relating to a Rhino bug I've just fallen foul of. This probably isn't very interesting for most folk, but if you've come here from Google then hopefully I can help you out!
